2024-06-19 00:52:53




















编辑:田原 丨审核:胡亚妮丨签发:安辉


Some new parents have received such a phone call after the birth of their child: the other party can accurately tell the parents' names and child information, and tell the new parents that they are the photography agency or nutrition department within the hospital, and need to visit the child to take photos or give milk powder. Once the parents relax their vigilance and agree to the other party's door, the so-called "gift" may become a costly charge item.

How did newborn data get leaked? Why does this happen so often?

Parents of newborns are getting calls in many places

The other party can accurately identify the parents and children

Recently, Ms. Chen in Beijing just came home from the hospital, she received a phone call from someone claiming to be a maternity hospital, saying that she needed to take photos of children's documents. Ms. Chen then searched with her mobile phone and found that there was no such institution in the maternity hospital. "They said it was a photography agency working with the hospital, and they even knew when I was going to be discharged."

△ Chat history between Ms. Chen and an agency staff (provided by Ms. Chen)

Mr Sun in Shandong suffered a similar pattern. The other party claimed to be a staff member of the Shandong Provincial Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital, who needed to come to the house to take photos for the child, and said that it was free to send photos, and Mr. Sun spent nearly 3,000 yuan.

Mr. Sun: The other party said that the provincial Women's and Children's Hospital would take photos of the child and send five free negatives. Since we were only going to choose five negatives, we didn't ask much. We took a total of 107 photos. When we selected the photos, the other party said that we needed to sign the contract, and we could not choose without signing the contract, so we had to pay 2998 yuan.

After seeing the receipt, Mr. Sun realized that it was a so-called "cultural service company" and had nothing to do with the hospital. "They are a service company called Yunjin Culture, and they know not only my contact information, but also the birth time and other information."

How is a newborn's family information leaked?

The reporter queried the previous case and found that the newborn family information was leaked, some of which were illegally sold by internal staff of medical institutions, and more of which were illegally obtained information that was resold layers upon layers after the database was hacked.

Previously, the new North District police in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, cracked a case of infringement of citizens' personal information, and arrested Li Mou, a hacker who illegally obtained newborn information, and its offline, and Lv Mou, Liu Mou, and other photographic agency operators. Subsequently, the case was transferred to the New North District People's Procuratorate for review and prosecution. The procuratorate filed a civil public interest lawsuit against the defendants Li Mou, Lu Mou and Liu Mou for the crime of infringing citizens' personal information.

The investigation found that the hacker Li Mou and the photographic agency operator Lv Mou, Liu Mou do not know each other. Li Mou used hacking technology to invade a newborn information website, steal 26663 newborns and family information, packaging and selling to open the studio Lv mou, Lv mou resold to peers Liu Mou, two people with information to find customers at the same time, the information will be resold for profit.

△ Court hearing scene (provided by Xinbei District Procuratorate)

According to Shi Ke, deputy director of the fifth procuratorate department of Changzhou Xinbei District Procuratorate, Li used hacking technology to package and download newborn information on the website and sell it online, downloading information including the birth date of the newborn, hospital, parents' names, contact information and so on. Lv and Liu are selling while using. The final three people involved in the amount of 370,000 yuan.

Li, Lv and Liu sold newborn information, the number of articles, the amount of criminal prosecution standards, and the circumstances are serious. In the end, all three pleaded guilty in court, Li Mou was sentenced to three years and four months in prison, and Lu Mou and Liu Mou were sentenced to three years in prison and suspended because of the relatively small number of sales. They want to withdraw their illegal gains and criminal fines, and they need to pay double the civil compensation, so the total amount of the case is more than 1 million yuan.

Shi Kealso introduced that the relevant civil compensation will be jointly issued by the Changzhou Municipal Network Information Office, the municipal People's Court, the procuratorate, the public Security Bureau and other departments, and the establishment of relevant foundations to compensate the victims.

Source: Voice of China, Central Broadcasting Group

Edited by: Tian Yuan Approved by: Hu Yani Signed by: An Hui

重点词汇 新手 Novice ; beginner ; newbie ; rookie ; neophyte ; new hand ; tyro ; new comer ; tenderfoot ; noob ; raw recruit ; virgin ; greener ; sprog ; noviciate 上门 Door-to-door ; visit ; close ; call ; drop in ; bolt the door ; marry into and live with one's brides family ; come or go to see sb 赠送 give ; present ; donate ; donation ; give away ; present as a gift ; bundle ; give as a present 警惕 vigilance ; be vigilant ; alert ; be on the alert ; on guard ; be on guard against ; watch out for 有可能 be likely to ; be on the cards 收费项目 Item ; charge items ; charging items ; name 出院 discharge ; leave hospital 自称 claim to be ; profess ; purport ; call oneself ; pretence 妇产医院 gynaecology and obstetrics hospital 证件照 Photo ; ID photo ; Passport photo


The investigation found that the hacker Li Mou and the photographic agency operator Lv Mou,


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